Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Identical Moto

Yes, I am one of those girls who are obsessed with leather jackets. I lost count on how many I have in total hanging around my closet regardless knowing that I live in Jakarta (rumor has it that it is a humid and sunny place) and quiet frankly most of the time I faked into looking utterly cool while burning myself inside the moto jacket. But hey no pain no gain. And plus, us Indonesians are always inside a building equipped with countless AC. 

(Armani leather moto jacket, Mango dress, Cotton On plaid shirt)


  1. suka banget moto jacket nya :D
    anyway, kindly check out my previous post about your show at JFW 2014
    hope you like it ;)

    Mr. Rebel in Town

  2. whoaaaaa. your moto jacket <3



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