Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas eve, christmas day, after christmas day

We can never get enough of having 700calories worth of food accompanied with red wine... right? We, as thankful human beings habitually find excuses/ways to celebrate such occasions numerously!
I believe in the three-day-shindig, "before,now,after". And that's exactly how i'm going to celebrate Christmas!

I mean, we can all agree that its not a pretty fun scenario when you mix both familyfun with friendfun.

24th december, which is christmas eve, i celebrated both Mothers day and xmas-eve, 10 aunties with an average of 2 children each attended this amazing lunch, we all made a deal to wear anything green or red, if not we each have to pay 1K, and ofcourse being the usual cheap-ass, we all followed the rule and played the game. (pics below)

Sadly i dont have photographic evidence on how much calories i consumed on Christmas day, i left home with my camera battery drained and ofcourse no memory card inserted (dolphin claps). Me and the entire family members stuffed our belly with delish Italian food! Gnocchi definitely made my christmas, it was gooey, bouncy, and tomato-y (yes, i know thats not in the dictionary, nor ever existed in novels)


And then, i finally arrived to the very last day of candycane-fiasco, on the 26th of December, 20 of my closest friends in Jakarta gathered at this very fancy yet i'm-never-going-back restaurant, Union at Plaza Indonesia. Tasty food, especially the red velvet cake, but the service sucks, and it is super crowded. We had to chug down lots of wine in order to reach the minimum spending amount. So yeah, it was a great night :)

Oh, i had my Versace x HnM studded leather jacket on, was pretty antsy to wear this out especially in Jakarta, in a mall. I mean, teenagers here are always in tiny dresses and high louboutin heels, i don't want to be a freak show no? But, Singapore has taught me well..... never to give a shit about what others say!

Till then, XO.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Sunsilk fab10 reunion

2 events combined into one - Fransisca Alverina's birthday + Sunsilk fab10 reunion. Lets just say it was a night full of gossips and laughters. We have been in this competition for MONTHSSSSS (emphasizing the S because it was a long period of time indeed). Oh incase you missed the news, Nike Yosephine won first place, congrats to her! :D

Here are some pictures to spice this post. (maybe not) :

Me and Nike Yosephine
Left-Right = Cicilia, Lisari, Nike (bottom)
Fransisca, Firda (Top)

GROUP PIC!!!!!! :D

Trying to look classy! Yes, we Failed!!! Badly.

So glad that our friendship doesnt end as the competition ends. Like we all said, its a new born family. A family filled with 10 girls who loathe their hair, nourish them with the best hair product (cough, Sunsilk) (Oh, you did NOT see that coming =P)

Although the night didnt end up with a glass of champagne, ice lemon tea did just fine! And no unicorn piñatas were sacrificed during this celebration. It was a good night indeed. I love how we can all connect to ONE topic, and fool around like as if we've been friends for years.

P.S : yes i went overboard with the hair color. What do you think?


Friday, November 18, 2011

Ombre hair color

Being all inspired and fancy-tickled by Rumi Neely's hairstyle (picture below), i decided to give it a shot, and ofcourse i D-I-Yed it without any experience whatsoever with hair coloring. As i waited for my dark hair to react with the bleach substance, i kept on adding more dye solution thinking it would make the process twice faster (obviously, it didn't). I had always been very heartless and experimental when it comes to hairstyle, from pink highlights to full ginger color, so this is just another addition to the list.

Result................... not too shabby eh? I like it. Although i would love for it to be more blonde. But i'll deff add on another layer when i have time.

Ombre hair, yay or nay?

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sunsilk fab10

After seconds of reading Firda's post on Sunsilk fab10, i was inspired to write one too. :P and you should know that i'm not going to sugar-coat it! Ha. i kid i kid.


Okay, first things first..... i gotta admit that being one of the finalist of sunsilk fab10 highlighted my summer. Usually during summer time, its when i go out late watching movies and drink illegal drinks (haha!) but this year, i did something more productive and meaningful. Never thought ill be one of the finalist because there's some tough competitors out there, and whats epic is that i got the news right after i finished my gerber exam, so it was like having popcorn and coke all at one.

It was a stressful week though because i had to decide wether i should skip class to fly back in time for the quarantine, but thankfully Sunsilk was very understanding about the whole situation and they gave me a one-day-skip pass.

*okay, enough about my jibber jabber.... *

Now, im gonna briefly talk/brag about the quarantine experience. Frankly speaking, the whole experience kinda gave me a pot full of mixed emotions. I was scared in almost every single lecture from those famous people (Didi Petet, Keke Harun, Ira) because they speak 100% bahasa and well.. due to me being an ignorant indonesian girl, i am probably the worst bahasa speaker in my family. So yeah, i gotta fake it till i make it gurrrrrrl. hahaha. Um, really. I had to really learn the lines instead of saying it spontaneously even though it was an introduction speech. AGGGGH.

I met some pretty badass people there, one of them is FIRDA NAULI!!! haahha this chica is mad fun and mad insane and mad in general (LOL). This whole entire fun started after she messed up the word "tomorrow" *i still cant get over it*.

The photoshoot and interviews were mega fun. Met some cutie ;) (RIZKY IF UR READING THIS..... CALL ME!!!!! I MEAN IT!!! HAHAHA) This guy rizky is probably the only full blooded indonesian guy that i ever felt attracted to. (sorry i dont have pics of him, wasn't too much of a stalker that day because i was too exhausted running around in heels and memorizing lines).


This is Ceasar Gunawan. HE'S KINDA CUTE!

He's even cuter LOL!

Theyre the sweetest gals ever. Such a friendly competition.

My roommate!

Such a barbie! (her, not me... i can be Ken)

SUPPPPP NIG. (haha just to scare you guys off)

And the quarantine ended with an........................ awesome video. DUH!

click here: ( Im so new to this whole blogging thingy, ill figure out how to post a video soon without going through the hassle of clicking links lol) But please do click. It might make ur day.

Sunsilk if ur reading this (a shampoo reading blogs.... not a big deal.... right!?) I want to say thankyou thankyou thankyou for such an awesome experience, i met new people and build a new family through this entire long process. I wasn't expecting too much getting into this competition, but it turns out even better than i expected :)


K, gotta go gym now.... till next time! xxxx

btw, whats the soep of the day? (get the joke? HA, funny? yes? thankyou XD)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

First post!

Olla there. This is my very first post. I've been wanting to create a blog since ages ago, and finally decided to create one because 2012 is just around the corner and i wanted to atleast get a few followers before the world ends, (haha! i kid i kid)

A short intro about moi : fashion student, a soon-to-be fashion designer (fingers crossed). Obsessed with anything stud related or slightly strange. I'm a free-thinker, although on the other hand exceedingly a perfectionist at heart. Friendly to both non-living and living things. That pretty much sums up "catherine soepadhi"

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